Is Frangelico Gluten-Free? The definitive answer


With the rise in gluten sensitivity and celiac disease around the world, the demand for gluten-free options has skyrocketed. From food to beverages, consumers are becoming more conscious of what they consume. One such beverage in question is the renowned Frangelico hazelnut liqueur. This article sheds light on its ingredients and whether it caters to the gluten-free community.


While a product might be intrinsically gluten-free, the risk of cross-contamination is always present. It is essential to consult directly with manufacturers or establishments regarding their production practices to ensure total safety.

What is Frangelico?

Frangelico is a premium hazelnut-flavored liqueur hailing from Italy. This beverage comes from the infusion of hazelnuts grown in Italy’s northwest region of Piedmont into alcohol, resulting in a sweet and nutty delight. Whether consumed alone, blended into cocktails, or added to coffee, Frangelico offers a unique taste profile.

What is Frangelico Made of?

While the core ingredients are hazelnuts, alcohol, and water, Frangelico is also enriched with extracts and distillates from vanilla, coffee, cocoa seeds, and other undisclosed flavorings.

What is Gluten?

Gluten is a naturally occurring protein primarily found in grains like wheat, barley, rye, and more. This protein provides structure and shape to these grains. Since gluten is natural, it’s impossible to eliminate from grains that inherently contain it. Furthermore, gluten can be found in alcoholic beverages if they contain barley malt, flavorings, or colorings, making drink choices crucial for those avoiding gluten.

Is Frangelico Gluten-Free?

Indeed, Frangelico, the sought-after hazelnut liqueur, is gluten-free. Though there isn’t an official statement on their website, it’s widely accepted as gluten-free. Liquor manufacturers are not obligated to disclose their ingredients, making it tricky to ascertain gluten content. However, certain brands, such as Hiram Walker Liqueur and Kahlua Hazelnut Liqueur, are openly labeled gluten-free. Originating from Italy’s Piedmont region, Frangelico boasts a history spanning over 300 years and contains 20% alcohol.

Frangelico Brands

The most popular brands of gluten free Frangelico in the United States are:

  • Frangelico Originale (GFCO Certified Gluten Free)
  • Frangelico Liqueur (GFCO Certified Gluten Free)
  • Frangelico Hazelnut Liqueur (GFCO Certified Gluten Free)

All of these brands are made with gluten-free ingredients, such as hazelnuts, sugar, alcohol, and water. Frangelico Originale is the original brand of Frangelico, and is made with roasted hazelnuts from Italy. The Frangelico Liqueur is a lighter version of the Frangelico Originale, and the Frangelico Hazelnut Liqueur is a version with a more intense hazelnut flavor.

Other Frangelico brands that are also gluten-free and certified gluten-free by the GFCO include:

  • Frangelico Amaretto
  • Frangelico Dark Chocolate Liqueur
  • Frangelico White Chocolate Liqueur

These brands are also made with gluten-free ingredients, and offer different flavors to choose from.

It is important to note that gluten-free products may be contaminated with gluten during processing or packaging. Therefore, it is important to read labels carefully and make sure the product is certified gluten-free by an independent organization.

Pros and Cons

Pros of Frangelico Being Gluten-Free:

  1. Ideal for Gluten-Sensitive Individuals: If Frangelico is indeed gluten-free, it becomes a fantastic option for those who are gluten intolerant or have celiac disease but still want to enjoy a flavorful liqueur.
  2. Versatility in Cocktails: Frangelico’s unique hazelnut flavor can enhance a variety of cocktails, making it a versatile addition to a gluten-free bar.
  3. Enhanced Flavor Experience: For those who love the taste of hazelnuts, Frangelico offers a rich, smooth flavor that doesn’t compromise on taste, even if it is gluten-free.

Cons of Frangelico and Gluten:

  1. Uncertainty in Manufacturing Process: The exact manufacturing process and ingredients of Frangelico might raise concerns about potential gluten cross-contamination.
  2. Limited Information on Labels: Often, alcoholic beverages do not provide detailed ingredient lists, leaving those with gluten sensitivities unsure about its safety.
  3. Potential Health Risks: For individuals with severe gluten intolerance or celiac disease, even minor traces of gluten can be harmful, posing a risk if the gluten-free status of Frangelico is not definitively confirmed.


Please note that the following prices may vary depending on the brand, store or location:

Brand Size Price
Frangelico Originale 750ml $26.99
Frangelico Liqueur 750ml $24.99
Frangelico Hazelnut Liqueur 750ml $25.99
Frangelico Amaretto 750ml $29.99
Frangelico Dark Chocolate Liqueur 750ml $32.99
Frangelico White Chocolate Liqueur 750ml $34.99

Customer Opinions on Frangelico’s Gluten-Free Status

Many customers who are attentive to their gluten intake have shared mixed opinions about Frangelico. Some gluten-sensitive individuals have enjoyed Frangelico without any adverse reactions, praising its rich flavor and suitability in their gluten-free lifestyle. However, others express caution, noting the lack of explicit labeling as gluten-free and the potential risks involved.


Frangelico, with its rich hazelnut flavor and dark appearance, is not only a treat for the palate but is also gluten-free, catering to a wider audience. Those seeking gluten-free options must always communicate dietary restrictions to ensure their safety. Brands transparent about their gluten-free nature, like Hiram Walker Liqueur, can be prioritized.

Embrace the exquisite taste of Frangelico, keeping in mind its gluten-free nature. Always remember to verify and ensure the safety of the foods and beverages you consume, especially if you’re sensitive to gluten. Cheers to responsible and informed drinking!

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